Learn about what matters in crypto.

Table of contents:

How cryptography works

What bitcoin is

What other coins are

What smart contracts are

What DAOs are

What NFTs are

Ways you can make money

Ways you can loose money

Why public keys are important

Why private keys are important

How to use this site


Explaining who I am and how

I can help others understand simply

Why you should not trust everything you see on the internet


To protect the owners of this site

from giving specific financial advice 

How cryptography works

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Video Length: 2:00

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 5:00

What bitcoin is

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 2:00

Video Length: 5:00

What other coins are

Video Length: 25:00

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Video Length: 2:00

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 5:00

What smart contracts are

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 2:00

Video Length: 5:00

Video Length: 25:00

What DAOs are

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Video Length: 2:00

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 5:00

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

What NFTs are

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Video Length: 2:00

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 5:00

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

Ways you can make money

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Video Length: 2:00

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 5:00

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

Ways you can loose money

Short and simple video with simple English  — explaining the input and output and how it can be used

Middle length video with adult English clarifying component pieces and known implementations

Video Length: 2:00

Video Length: 5:00

Long video explaining things from an engineering perspective

Video Length: 25:00

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